
playwright.controller.InputPassword(self, page, id)

Controller for


Name Description
expect Expectation method equivalent to playwright.expect(self.loc).
id The browser DOM id of the UI element.
loc Playwright Locator of the UI element.
loc_container Playwright Locator for the container of the UI element.
loc_label Playwright Locator for the label of the UI element.
page Playwright Page of the Shiny app.


Name Description
expect_label Expect the label of the input to have a specific text.
expect_placeholder Expect the placeholder attribute of the input to have a specific value.
expect_value Expect the value of the text input to have a specific value.
expect_width Expect the width attribute of the input password to have a specific value.
set Sets the text value


playwright.controller.InputPassword.expect_label(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the label of the input to have a specific text.


Name Type Description Default
value PatternOrStr The expected text value of the label. required
timeout Timeout The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None. None


playwright.controller.InputPassword.expect_placeholder(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the placeholder attribute of the input to have a specific value.


Name Type Description Default
value AttrValue The expected value of the placeholder attribute. required
timeout Timeout The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None. None


playwright.controller.InputPassword.expect_value(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the value of the text input to have a specific value.


Name Type Description Default
value PatternOrStr The expected value of the text input. required
timeout Timeout The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None. None


playwright.controller.InputPassword.expect_width(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the width attribute of the input password to have a specific value.


Name Type Description Default
value StyleValue The expected value of the width attribute. required
timeout Timeout The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None. None


playwright.controller.InputPassword.set(value, *, timeout=None)

Sets the text value


Name Type Description Default
value str The text to set. required
timeout Timeout The maximum time to wait for the text to be set. Defaults to None. None