
playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame(self, page, id)

Controller for


Name Description
expect Expectation method equivalent to playwright.expect(self.loc).
id The browser DOM id of the UI element.
loc Playwright Locator for the data frame.
loc_body Playwright Locator for the body of the data frame table.
loc_container Playwright Locator for the data frame container.
loc_head Playwright Locator for the head of the data frame table.
page Playwright Page of the Shiny app.


Name Description
cell_locator Returns the locator for a specific cell in the data frame.
expect_cell Expects the cell in the data frame to have the specified text.
expect_cell_class Expects the class of the cell
expect_cell_title Expects the validation message of the cell in the data frame, which will be in the title attribute of the element.
expect_class_state Expects the state of the class in the data frame.
expect_column_labels Expects the column labels in the data frame.
expect_ncol Expects the number of columns in the data frame.
expect_nrow Expects the number of rows in the data frame.
expect_selected_num_rows Expects the number of selected rows in the data frame.
expect_selected_rows Expects the specified rows to be selected.
select_rows Selects the rows in the data frame.
set_cell Saves the value of the cell in the data frame.
set_filter Set or reset filters for columns in a table or grid component. This method allows setting string filters, numeric range filters, or clearing all filters.
set_sort Set or modify the sorting of columns in a table or grid component. This method allows setting single or multiple column sorts, or resetting the sort order.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.cell_locator(row, col)

Returns the locator for a specific cell in the data frame.


row: int

The row number of the cell.

col: int

The column number of the cell.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_cell(value, *, row, col, timeout=None)

Expects the cell in the data frame to have the specified text.


value: PatternOrStr

The expected text in the cell.

row: int

The row number of the cell.

col: int

The column number of the cell.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_cell_class(value, *, row, col, timeout=None)

Expects the class of the cell


value: str

The expected class of the cell.

row: int

The row number of the cell.

col: int

The column number of the cell.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_cell_title(value, *, row, col, timeout=None)

Expects the validation message of the cell in the data frame, which will be in the title attribute of the element.


value: str

The expected validation message of the cell.

row: int

The row number of the cell.

col: int

The column number of the cell.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_class_state(value, *, row, col, timeout=None)

Expects the state of the class in the data frame.


value: str

The expected state of the class.

row: int

The row number of the cell.

col: int

The column number of the cell.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_column_labels(value, *, timeout=None)

Expects the column labels in the data frame.


value: ListPatternOrStr | None

The expected column labels.

Note: None if the column labels are expected to not exist.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_ncol(value, *, timeout=None)

Expects the number of columns in the data frame.


value: int

The expected number of columns.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_nrow(value, *, timeout=None)

Expects the number of rows in the data frame.


value: int

The expected number of rows.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_selected_num_rows(value, *, timeout=None)

Expects the number of selected rows in the data frame.


value: int

The expected number of selected rows.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.expect_selected_rows(rows, *, timeout=None)

Expects the specified rows to be selected.


rows: list[int]

The row numbers.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to pass. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.select_rows(value, *, timeout=None)

Selects the rows in the data frame.


value: list[int]

The list of row numbers to select.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the action to complete. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.set_cell(text, *, row, col, finish_key=None, timeout=None)

Saves the value of the cell in the data frame.


text: str

The key to save the value of the cell.

row: int

The row number of the cell.

col: int

The column number of the cell.

finish_key: Literal[‘Enter’, ‘Shift+Enter’, ‘Tab’, ‘Shift+Tab’, ‘Escape’] | None = None

The key to save the value of the cell. If None (the default), no key will be pressed and instead the page body will be clicked.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the action to complete. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.set_filter(filter, *, timeout=None)

Set or reset filters for columns in a table or grid component. This method allows setting string filters, numeric range filters, or clearing all filters.


filter: ColumnFilter | list[ColumnFilter] | None

The filter to apply. Can be one of the following: * None: Resets all filters. * ColumnFilterStr: A dictionary specifying a string filter with ‘col’ and ‘value’ keys. * ColumnFilterNumber: A dictionary specifying a numeric range filter with ‘col’ and ‘value’ keys.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the action to complete. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.OutputDataFrame.set_sort(sort, *, timeout=None)

Set or modify the sorting of columns in a table or grid component. This method allows setting single or multiple column sorts, or resetting the sort order.


sort: int | ColumnSort | list[int | ColumnSort] | None

The sorting configuration to apply. Can be one of the following: * int: Index of the column to sort by (ascending order by default). * ColumnSort: A dictionary specifying a single column sort with ‘col’ and ‘desc’ keys. * list[int | ColumnSort]: A list of ints or dictionaries for multi-column sorting. * None: No sorting applied (not implemented in the current code).

If a desc values is provided within your ColumnSort shaped dictionary, then the direction will be set to that value. If no desc value is provided, the column will be sorted in the default sorting order.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the action to complete. Defaults to None.