Shiny for Python 0.4.0

Better tables and sidebars!

Winston Chang


June 28, 2023

Shiny for Python 0.4.0

Hello, Shiny for Python users. We have some great new features for you in the latest release!

Introducing data grid / data table

We’ve added a new, fast-scrolling data table output.

It can easily handle tables with tens of thousands of rows, and supports sorting by columns – just click on the column header to sort.

In addition to the grid-style appearance, the data can be displayed with a more traditional table-like appearance.

Data table with more traditional appearance

These tables aren’t just for displaying data – they can also allow you to select rows, use that selection as an input, as shown here:

To use the new tables, put this in your application’s UI:


And in your server function, use @render.data_frame and give it a function that returns a render.DataGrid(); in turn, that function a Pandas data frame.

  def mygrid():
    return render.DataGrid(my_df)

To get the more traditional table-like styling, return a render.DataTable() instead.

Better-looking sidebars

In addition to the new tables, we’ve also improved the look of the basic sidebar. Here’s what they used to look like:

App with old sidebar

Previously, the sidebar was only as tall as the content in the sidebar, but now they span the full height of the application. Here’s what they look like now:

App with new sidebar

You won’t have to change any code to get the new look – your existing code will just work!

Check out a live example here.
