updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId, selected = NULL)
session | The session object passed to
function given to shinyServer . |
inputId | The id of the tabsetPanel ,
navlistPanel , or navbarPage object. |
selected | The name of the tab to make active. |
Change the selected tab on the client
Change the selected tab on the client
## <strong>Not run</strong>: # shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { # # observe({ # # TRUE if input$controller is even, FALSE otherwise. # x_even <- input$controller %% 2 == 0 # # # Change the selected tab. # # Note that the tabset container must have been created with an 'id' argument # if (x_even) { # updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", selected = "panel2") # } else { # updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", selected = "panel1") # } # }) # }) # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>