bslib::input_switch("switch", "Turn Up Awesomeness", FALSE)

The Shiny team is delighted to share that we’ve just released updates for 12 different R packages that contribute to the Shiny experience. These updates include many improvements and bug fixes that aren’t explicitly covered here, but the release notes section of this post provides links to the full list of changes for each package. That said, there are a few new features in bslib
that we’re particularly excited to highlight for you!
In the last release of bslib
(0.5.0), we made significant strides towards bslib
being our recommended way to build modern Shiny dashboards. In this release, we’ve added more features to help you make even better dashboards.
Tooltips and popovers
One essential quality of any great website is that it provides the user with the right amount of information at the right time. In technically-oriented apps, you might want to provide a definition for a term, a description of a model parameter, or an input that updates a specific plot, but you don’t want these details to overwhelm the user when they’re not needed.
In this release, we’ve added bslib::tooltip()
and bslib::popover()
to help you do just that. By putting this additional information in a tooltip or these additional controls in a popover, you can provide the detail your users need on demand, right where they need it.
Here’s a quick demo. In this example, we have a card containing a plot that compares the body mass of our favorite penguins across species. We’ve leveraged bslib
’s new tooltip and popover features in a few ways:
An info icon next to the card title includes a tooltip that describes how the penguin body mass is measured.
A gear icon in the upper left corner of the card includes a popover with a few controls for customizing the plot.
In the footer, a “Learn more” link opens a popover with the full citation for the data used in the plot.
This is a modal window.
Learn more in the new Tooltips & Popovers article.
Towards a new Shiny theme
This release of bslib
introduces a new theme that we intend on making the default experience for bslib
-powered apps. Since this theme is still a work-in-progress, you must currently must be opt-in to use it by providing bs_theme(preset = "shiny")
to the theme
argument of the relevant page function, for example:
The screen recording below gives you a preview of the new Shiny preset theme. One exciting difference between the Shiny preset and other Bootswatch themes, is that we’ve taken this opportunity to re-think the appearance of Shiny-specific widgets, like sliderInput()
and selectInput()
Want to see this theme in action? Just install the updated bslib
package and run bslib::bs_theme_preview()
in your R console!
This is a modal window.
Learn more about real-time theming with bslib.
Improved Quarto integration
Since bslib
components are designed to both work with Shiny and to render statically they can be added to any Bootstrap-compatible page.
In practice, however, due to nuances in how Quarto provides Boostrap, some bslib
components weren’t quite working as expected in Quarto documents. But this release fixes that issue!
To demonstrate, here’s an example of a fullscreen-capable bslib::card()
in a Quarto document.
This is a modal window.
You can also use bslib components in R Markdown.
New input_switch()
Turning a feature on or off is a common action in many Shiny apps. With Shiny’s default UI, this is typically done with a checkboxInput()
. But checkboxes don’t always give an obvious visual cue of turning an option on or off.
In this release, we’ve added a new input_switch()
with a modern appearance. Here’s a quick live preview of how it looks and feels:
Looking forward
We’re excited to continue improving Shiny for R, and in the near-term we plan to focus on making bslib
a more complete UI framework with great looking defaults. Here are a few things currently towards the top of our roadmap:
- Make the new Shiny preset theme the default for
-powered apps. - More UI components, such as offcanvas, button groups, etc.
- More incorporation of
as part of the Getting Started experience on - More
-focused example galleries, starter templates, and articles.
Release notes
There are a lot of changes and updates in the Shiny universe that we haven’t covered in this post. Dive into the release notes linked below to learn more about changes in each package.
Thank you, everyone! 💙 We’d like to thank everyone who contributed to all of the packages released in this cycle. Your contributions are what make Shiny great!
bslib v0.5.1
@ariebh, @asadow, @chrisbrownlie, @cpsievert, @ctrlxctrlc, @daattali, @gadenbuie, @ideusoes, @Liripo, @michael-dewar, @nteetor, @PaulC91, @philiph99, @riskcede, @schloerke, @Teebusch, @tillea, and @wch.
shiny v1.7.5
@AlexWaterboyBezzina, @apalacio9502, @aronatkins, @asadow, @BajczA475, @barracuda156, @brooksambrose, @cpsievert, @daattali, @dipterix, @dkori, @drag05, @dvg-p4, @emillykkejensen, @EricKrantz, @gadenbuie, @galachad, @Gathuh, @GShotwell, @hadley, @hcsun1, @ifoxfoot, @ismirsehregal, @jcheng5, @jessekps, @johnkarlen, @juwitt, @kathi-resan, @kennedymwavu, @kevinushey, @king-of-poppk, @KRRLP-PL, @Liripo, @magarick, @MalteSteinCytel, @matt4815162342, @maxheld83, @Mkranj, @nolanjj, @norahAlbarrak, @pawelru, @pbosetti, @RaviSekha, @RosalynLP, @sanjmeh, @SarenT, @schloerke, @shahronak47, @stefanedwards, @stla, @stuvet, @timbrock, @tomjemmett, @vivigirardin, @vnijs, @wch, and @Zhenglei-BCS.
htmltools v0.5.6
@ccamara, @cpsievert, @daattali, @gadenbuie, @PaulC91, @schloerke, @ShixiangWang, and @warnes.
flexdashboard v0.6.2
@actuarial-lonewolf, @cpsievert, @danielludolf, @DataStrategist, @erm-eanway, @gadenbuie, and @nplatonov.
leaflet v2.1.3
@antoine4ucsd, @daattali, @gadenbuie, @Jakka, @jaseeverett, @johnbaums, @JosephStewart, @Landon-Getting, @lime-n, @Rafnuss, @ramyareddy161, @rhijmans, @rl-utility-man, and @warnes.
leaflet.providers v1.13.0
@gadenbuie, @jennybc, @joker234, @kent37, @mgzjys, and @schloerke.
shinytest2 v0.3.0
@andrewbaxter439, @arepsz, @AskPascal, @cpsievert, @epruesse, @gadenbuie, @gladkia, @hugo-pH, @matt-sd-watson, @maxheld83, @parmsam-pfizer, @PaulinCharliquart, @schloerke, @stla, and @sybrohee.
chromote v0.1.2
@ashbythorpe, @gadenbuie, @hadley, @Ljupch0, @moladokun, @mrcaseb, @nick-youngblut, @stla, @Waschoi, @wch, and @yogat3ch.
webshot2 v0.1.1
@aengels-git, @brunomioto, @cderv, @charleswidnall, @egehankinik, @gadenbuie, @iMissile, @kangjf1943, @lijinbio, @Liripo, @Minh-AnhHuynh, @PatrickRWright, @RKonstantinR, @schloerke, @trafficonese, and @tvqt.
promises v1.2.1
@bakaburg1, @bguillod, @can-taslicukur, @CarlijnB, @chris31415926535, @cpsievert, @CrossD, @gadenbuie, @gdeoli, @HenrikBengtsson, @hf778, @jcheng5, @jennybc, @king-of-poppk, @lz100, @maxheld83, @mrkaye97, @pawelru, @schloerke, @tzakharko, and @vspinu.
thematic v0.1.3
@biomystery, @boram1024, @cboettig, @cbrnr, @cpsievert, @dmenne, @Fluke95, @gadenbuie, @gtritchie, @jennybc, @kbzsl, @mvwestendorp, @PaulC91, @r2evans, @rishabhshah-92, @schloerke, @stephan-koenig, @uhkeller, and @yixuan.
bsicons v0.1.1
@cpsievert, and @sanjmeh.