
runGadget(app, server = NULL, port = getOption("shiny.port"),
  viewer = paneViewer(), stopOnCancel = TRUE)


app Either a Shiny app object as created by shinyApp et al, or, a UI object.
server Ignored if app is a Shiny app object; otherwise, passed along to shinyApp (i.e. shinyApp(ui = app, server = server)).
port See runApp.
viewer Specify where the gadget should be displayed--viewer pane, dialog window, or external browser--by passing in a call to one of the viewer functions.
stopOnCancel If TRUE (the default), then an observeEvent is automatically created that handles input$cancel by calling stopApp() with an error. Pass FALSE if you want to handle input$cancel yourself.


The value returned by the gadget.


Similar to runApp, but handles input$cancel automatically, and if running in RStudio, defaults to viewing the app in the Viewer pane.


## Not run: ------------------------------------ # library(shiny) # # ui <- fillPage(...) # # server <- function(input, output, session) { # ... # } # # # Either pass ui/server as separate arguments... # runGadget(ui, server) # # # ...or as a single app object # runGadget(shinyApp(ui, server)) ## ---------------------------------------------