showNotification(ui, action = NULL, duration = 5, closeButton = TRUE,
id = NULL, type = c("default", "message", "warning", "error"),
session = getDefaultReactiveDomain())
removeNotification(id = NULL, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain())
ui | Content of message. |
action | Message content that represents an action. For example, this
could be a link that the user can click on. This is separate from ui
so customized layouts can handle the main notification content separately
from action content. |
duration | Number of seconds to display the message before it
disappears. Use NULL to make the message not automatically
disappear. |
closeButton | If TRUE , display a button which will make the
notification disappear when clicked. If FALSE do not display. |
id | An ID string. This can be used to change the contents of an
existing message with showNotification , or to remove it with
removeNotification . If not provided, one will be generated
automatically. If an ID is provided and there does not currently exist a
notification with that ID, a new notification will be created with that ID. |
type | A string which controls the color of the notification. One of "default" (gray), "message" (blue), "warning" (yellow), or "error" (red). |
session | Session object to send notification to. |
An ID for the notification.
These functions show and remove notifications in a Shiny application.
## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {
# Show a message when button is clicked
ui = fluidPage(
actionButton("show", "Show")
server = function(input, output) {
observeEvent(input$show, {
showNotification("Message text",
action = a(href = "javascript:location.reload();", "Reload page")
# App with show and remove buttons
ui = fluidPage(
actionButton("show", "Show"),
actionButton("remove", "Remove")
server = function(input, output) {
# A queue of notification IDs
ids <- character(0)
# A counter
n <- 0
observeEvent(input$show, {
# Save the ID for removal later
id <- showNotification(paste("Message", n), duration = NULL)
ids <<- c(ids, id)
n <<- n + 1
observeEvent(input$remove, {
if (length(ids) > 0)
ids <<- ids[-1]