Shiny HTML Tags Glossary

Shiny provides a list of functions named tags. Each function in the list creates an HTML tag that you can use to layout your Shiny App. But what if you are unfamiliar with HTML tags? The glossary in this article explains what the most popular tags in tags do.

Garrett Grolemund


August 8, 2017

In Customize your Shiny UI with HTML you saw that Shiny provides a list of functions named tags. Each function in the list creates an HTML tag that you can use to layout your Shiny App. But what if you are unfamiliar with HTML tags? The glossary below explains what the most popular tags in tags do.


The shiny::tags object contains R functions that recreate 110 HTML tags.

##   [1] "a"           "abbr"        "address"     "area"        "article"
##   [6] "aside"       "audio"       "b"           "base"        "bdi"
##  [11] "bdo"         "blockquote"  "body"        "br"          "button"
##  [16] "canvas"      "caption"     "cite"        "code"        "col"
##  [21] "colgroup"    "command"     "data"        "datalist"    "dd"
##  [26] "del"         "details"     "dfn"         "div"         "dl"
##  [31] "dt"          "em"          "embed"       "eventsource" "fieldset"
##  [36] "figcaption"  "figure"      "footer"      "form"        "h1"
##  [41] "h2"          "h3"          "h4"          "h5"          "h6"
##  [46] "head"        "header"      "hgroup"      "hr"          "html"
##  [51] "i"           "iframe"      "img"         "input"       "ins"
##  [56] "kbd"         "keygen"      "label"       "legend"      "li"
##  [61] "link"        "mark"        "map"         "menu"        "meta"
##  [66] "meter"       "nav"         "noscript"    "object"      "ol"
##  [71] "optgroup"    "option"      "output"      "p"           "param"
##  [76] "pre"         "progress"    "q"           "ruby"        "rp"
##  [81] "rt"          "s"           "samp"        "script"      "section"
##  [86] "select"      "small"       "source"      "span"        "strong"
##  [91] "style"       "sub"         "summary"     "sup"         "table"
##  [96] "tbody"       "td"          "textarea"    "tfoot"       "th"
## [101] "thead"       "time"        "title"       "tr"          "track"
## [106] "u"           "ul"          "var"         "video"       "wbr"

You can use any of these functions by subsetting the tags list. For example to create an h1 header in HTML, run:

tags$h1("My header")
## <h1>My header</h1> 

Some tags functions come with a helper function that makes accessing them easier. For example, the shiny::h1 function is a wrapper for tags$h1.

However, you can access many of the functions in tags only through tags because they share a name with a common R function.

The glossary below explains what the most popular tag functions do. The tag functions that do not appear here are less popular, but still useful. You can look them up at an HTML documentation site such as w3schools.

Note about non-standard attribute names

Like in all R code, if you need to use a non-standard argument or variable name, you will also need to use backticks around it. This can come up for attribute names, since a few of these will include dashes. For example, the following code will not work:

tags$div(data-value = "test")      # bad
## Error: unexpected '=' in "tags$div(data-value ="

Here’s the correct version:

tags$div(`data-value` = "test")    # good
## <div data-value="test"></div>


Creates a link to a web page. You can access the “a” tag with the helper function a.

Common Attributes Description
href the address of the web page to link to
tags$a(href="", "Click here!")
## <a href="">Click here!</a> 


Adds an audio element (e.g., a sound to your app).

Common Attributes Description
autoplay A valueless attribute. If present, audio starts playing automatically when loaded
controls A valueless attribute. If present, play controls are displayed
src The location of the audio file to play
type The type of file to play
tags$audio(src = "sound.mp3", type = "audio/mp3", autoplay = NA, controls = NA)
## <audio src="sound.mp3" type="audio/mp3" autoplay controls></audio>


Creates bold text.

tags$b("This text is bold.")
## <b>This text is bold.</b>


Creates a block of quoted text. Usually it is displayed in a special way.

Common Attributes Description
cite the source of the quote
tags$blockquote("Tidy data sets are all the same. Each messy data set is messy in its own way.", cite = "Hadley Wickham")
## <blockquote cite="Hadley Wickham">Tidy data sets are all the same. Each messy data set is messy in its own way.</blockquote>


Creates a line break. You can use the helper function br.

  "Some text followed by a break", 
  "Some text following a break"
## <div>
##   Some text followed by a break
##   <br/>
##   Some text following a break
## </div>


Creates text formatted as computer code. You can use the helper function code.

tags$code("This text will be displayed as computer code.")
## <code>This text will be displayed as computer code.</code> 


Creates a section (e.g., “division”) of an HTML document. divs provide a useful hook for CSS styling. You can use the helper function div.

Common Attributes Description
class The class of the div, a useful way to style the div with CSS
id The ID of the div, a useful way to style the div with CSS
style CSS styling to apply to the div
tags$code("This text will be displayed as computer code.")
## <code>This text will be displayed as computer code.</code> 


Creates emphasized (e.g., italicized) text. You can use the helper function em.

tags$em("This text is emphasized.")
## <em>This text is emphasized.</em>


Embed a plug-in or third party application.

Common Attributes Description
src The source of the file to embed
type The MIME type of the embedded content
height The height of the embedded content
width The width of the embedded content
tags$embed(src = "animation.swf")
## <embed src="animation.swf"/> 

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6

Adds hierarchical headings. h1 creates a first level heading and h2 through h6 create a hierarchy of decreasing subheadings. You can use the helper functions h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6.

## <div>
##   <h1>Heading</h1>
##   <h2>Subheading</h2>
##   <h3>Subsubheading</h3>
##   <h4>Subsubsubheading</h4>
##   <h5>Subsubsubsubheading</h5>
##   <h6>Subsubsubsubsubheading</h6>
## </div> 


Adds a horizontal line (e.g., horizontal rule). You can use the helper function hr.

## <hr/> 


Creates italicized text.

tags$i("This text is italicized.")
## <i>This text is italicized.</i>


Creates an inline frame to embed an HTML document in.

Common Attributes Description
src The URL of the HTML document to embed
srcdoc A raw HTML document to embed
scrolling Should iframe display scrollbars (yes, no, auto)
seamless A valueless attribute. Should the iframe seem like part of the web page?
height The height of the iframe
width The width of the iframe
name The name of the iframe
tags$iframe(src = "", seamless=NA)
## <iframe src="" seamless></iframe>


Creates an image. You can use the helper function img.

Common Attributes Description
src The source of the image to embed
height The height of the image
width The width of the image
tags$img(src = "", width = "100px", height = "100px")
## <img src="" width="100px" height="100px"/>

ol and li

Create an ordered list (i.e., a numbered list).

    tags$li("First list item"), 
    tags$li("Second list item"), 
    tags$li("Third list item")
## <ol>
##   <li>First list item</li>
##   <li>Second list item</li>
##   <li>Third list item</li>
## </ol> 


Create a paragraph (a block of text that begins on its own line). You can access the p tag with the helper function p too.

    tags$p("First paragraph"), 
    tags$p("Second paragraph"), 
    tags$p("Third paragraph")
## <div>
##   <p>First paragraph</p>
##   <p>Second paragraph</p>
##   <p>Third paragraph</p>
## </div> 


Create pre-formatted text, text that looks like computer code. You can use the helper function pre.

tags$pre("This text is preformatted.")
## <pre>This text is preformatted.</pre>


Add a client-side script such as javascript. You must wrap the actual script in HTML to prevent it from being passed as text.

tags$script(HTML("if (window.innerHeight < 400) alert('Screen too small');"))


Create a group of inline elements. Normally used to style a string of text. You can use the helper function span.

    HTML(paste("This text is ", tags$span(style="color:red", "red"), sep = ""))
## <div>This text is <span style="color:red">red</span></div>


Create bold text. You can use the helper function strong.

tags$strong("This text is strongly emphasized.")
## <strong>This text is strongly emphasized.</strong>


Create style specifications. A way to add CSS styles directly to your Shiny App.

sub, sup

Create subscript or super script.

    HTML(paste("E = mc", tags$sup(2), sep = "")), 
    HTML(paste("H", tags$sub(2), "0", sep = ""))
## <div>
##   E = mc<sup>2</sup>
##   H<sub>2</sub>0
## </div>

ul and li

Create an unordered list (i.e., a list of bullet points).

    tags$li("First list item"), 
    tags$li("Second list item"), 
    tags$li("Third list item")
## <ul>
##   <li>First list item</li>
##   <li>Second list item</li>
##   <li>Third list item</li>
## </ul> 


Add a video.

Common Attributes Description
autoplay A valueless attribute. If present, video starts playing automatically when loaded
controls A valueless attribute. If present, Shiny will display play controls.
src The location of the video file to play
height The height of the video
width The width of the video
tags$video(src = "video.mp4", type = "video/mp4", autoplay = NA, controls = NA)
## <video src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" autoplay controls></video>