Bookmarking state

As of version 0.14, users can save the state of an application and get a URL which will restore the application with that state. There are two types of bookmarking – encoding the state in a URL, and saving the state to the server.

Winston Chang


October 15, 2019

As of version 0.14, Shiny supports bookmarkable state: users can save the state of an application and get a URL which will restore the application with that state.

There are two types of bookmarking: encoding the state in a URL, and saving the state to the server. With an encoded state, the entire state of the application is contained in the URL’s query string. You can see this in action with this app: An example of a bookmark URL for this app is

When the state is saved to the server, the URL might look like:

The main differences between an encoded state and a saved-to-server state are:

For saving state to the server, the hosting environment must support bookmarkable state. As of version 1.4.7, Shiny Server Open Source and Shiny Server Pro support saving state to disk. Posit Connect added support in version 1.4.6. URL-encoded bookmarking currently works in all of these hosting environments.

Using bookmarkable state

For most Shiny apps, there are two changes that must be made to enable bookmarking:

  • The UI portion of an application must be a function that takes one argument.
  • There must be a call to enableBookmarking(). Or, if you’re calling shinyApp(), use the enableBookmarking argument.

The next few examples here show how to enable URL-encoded bookmarking with different file configurations.

Single-file applications

Here is an example single-file app (with just app.R) with URL-encoded bookmarking enabled. You can also run this code from the console, if you want to test out bookmarking on your local development machine:

ui <- function(request) {
    textInput("txt", "Enter text"),
    checkboxInput("caps", "Capitalize"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$out <- renderText({
    if (input$caps)

shinyApp(ui, server, enableBookmarking = "url")

Notice that the UI portion of app is not the fluidPage(...) content, but instead a function that returns the fluidPage(...) content. All of the input-generating functions (like textInput()) must be invoked from this function, either directly or indirectly (the UI function can call a function which calls textInput()). The input components cannot be saved in variables and then used inside the UI function – if this is done, then they will not restore properly.

This application has some inputs, an output, and a bookmark button:

Bookmark app screenshot

When the user clicks on the bookmark button, a modal dialog with the link will be displayed:

Bookmark modal screenshot

The user can then copy the URL and save it for later, or share it with others so they can visit the application in the bookmarked state.

Note: An alternative is to call enableBookmarking() right before shinyApp(). This tells Shiny to enable bookmarking for the next Shiny app that is created.

enableBookmarking(store = "url")
shinyApp(ui, server)


For applications that use ui.R and server.R, there should also be a global.R with a call to enableBookmarking(). For example:

## global.R ##
enableBookmarking(store = "url")
## ui.R ##
function(request) {
    textInput("txt", "Enter text"),
    checkboxInput("caps", "Capitalize"),
## server.R ##
function(input, output, session) {
  output$out <- renderText({
    if (input$caps)

Applications generated by functions

If your Shiny application is generated by a function, enabling bookmarking is done just the same as for a single file app. For example, this function returns a Shiny app:

myApp <- function() {
  ui <- function(request) {
      textInput("txt", "Enter text"),
      checkboxInput("caps", "Capitalize"),
  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$out <- renderText({
      if (input$caps)

  shinyApp(ui, server, enableBookmarking = "url")

As with single-file apps, another alternative is to call enableBookmarking() just before shinyApp(). So, for example, the myApp() function would call this:

enableBookmarking(store = "url")
shinyApp(ui, server)

Saved-to-server bookmarking

To saved the bookmarked state to disk on the server, the only change is to use enableBookmarking = "server". Here is a basic single-file app with saved-to-server bookmarking enabled:

ui <- function(request) {
    textInput("txt", "Enter text"),
    checkboxInput("caps", "Capitalize"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$out <- renderText({
    if (input$caps)

shinyApp(ui, server, enableBookmarking = "server")

Saving to server

For saving state to the server, the hosting environment must support bookmarkable state. Currently, Shiny Server Open Source, Shiny Server Pro, and Posit Connect support saved-to-server bookmarkable state.

When running a Shiny application in a hosting environment like Shiny Server, the hosting environment determines which directory is used for for storing bookmarked states. For Shiny Server, they will be stored in a subdirectory under /var/lib/shiny-server/bookmarks. For Posit Connect, the bookmarked states are stored in a subdirectory of the Posit Connect data directory, by default /var/lib/rstudio-connect/bookmarks.

When running a Shiny application from R without a hosting environment (directly from the R console), the saved states will be stored in a subdirectory of the application directory named shiny_bookmarks/. This happens when the user calls runApp() and passes it a directory or file to run.

It is possible to start a Shiny application without a directory – for example, by calling shinyApp() at the console, or by calling a function that returns a Shiny app object, or if was invoked with runApp(list(ui, server)). In these cases, the saved state will be stored in shiny_bookmarks/ under the current working directory.

How it works

A bookmarked state automatically saves the values of all inputs (with some exceptions which are discussed below). When the application is restored using that state, the inputs are seeded with the saved values. If the application’s reactive graph structure has a straightforward flow, where the data flow goes from inputs to (optional) reactives to outputs, then the application will restore cleanly.

If, however, the application uses constructs that don’t have a straightforward reactive flow, then the application may not restore cleanly. In other words, if the state of the inputs at time t does not fully determine the state of the outputs at time t, then the application may not save and restore correctly unless you add additional logic. This is discussed in more detail in the advanced bookmarking article.

If the application uses randomly generated numbers somewhere between the inputs and outputs, then the restored state of the app may not exactly match the bookmarked state. However, it is possible to use the set.seed() or repeatable() functions to make the bookmarked state and restored state consistent.

Excluding values

All input values in a Shiny application are automatically saved, except for passwordInputs. fileInputs are saved only when the state saved to server, not when it is encoded in a URL.

To exclude other inputs from being bookmarked, call setBookmarkExclude() in the server function, and pass in a vector containing the names of the inputs:

# Server function
function(input, output, session) {
  setBookmarkExclude(c("x", "y"))

Bookmarking and restoring tabs

It is possible for an app to bookmark which tab it is on. For this to work, you will need to provide an id for tabsetPanel(), navbarPage(), or navlistPanel(). See the example in the next section.

Using multiple bookmark buttons

If you want to have more than one bookmark button, you’ll need to provide a unique ID for each one.

In the example below, there are two tabs, so the tabsetPanel() has an id, and there is a bookmarkButton in each one.

ui <- function(request) {
    tabsetPanel(id = "tabs",
        checkboxInput("chk1", "Checkbox 1"),
        bookmarkButton(id = "bookmark1")
        checkboxInput("chk2", "Checkbox 2"),
        bookmarkButton(id = "bookmark2")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Need to exclude the buttons from themselves being bookmarked
  setBookmarkExclude(c("bookmark1", "bookmark2"))

  # Trigger bookmarking with either button
  observeEvent(input$bookmark1, {
  observeEvent(input$bookmark2, {
shinyApp(ui, server, enableBookmarking = "url")

In order to trigger bookmarking from each button, there is an observeEvent() for each button that calls session$doBookmark(). Also, the bookmark buttons themselves are excluded from bookmarking with setBookmarkExclude(); if we don’t do this, then as soon as a user restores the application, it will immediately trigger bookmarking again.

Updating location bar with each input change

The default way that the bookmark URL is be presented to the user is with a modal dialog that appears on top of the app, but it’s not the only way to do it. Another way is to update the browser’s location bar. The example below updates the location bar every time the user changes an input. See it in action here.

ui <- function(req) {
    textInput("txt", "Text"),
    checkboxInput("chk", "Checkbox")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
    # Trigger this observer every time an input changes
  onBookmarked(function(url) {

shinyApp(ui, server, enableBookmarking = "url")

Learn more

For more on this topic, see the following resources: