
App(self, ui, server, *, static_assets=None, debug=False)

Create a Shiny app instance.


ui: Tag | TagList | Callable[[Request], Tag | TagList] | Path

The UI definition for the app (e.g., a call to page_fluid or similar, with layouts and controls nested inside). You can also pass a function that takes a Request and returns a UI definition, if you need the UI definition to be created dynamically for each pageview.

server: Callable[[Inputs], None] | Callable[[Inputs, Outputs, Session], None] | None

A function which is called once for each session, ensuring that each session is independent.

static_assets: Optional[str | Path | Mapping[str, str | Path]] = None

Static files to be served by the app. If this is a string or Path object, it must be a directory, and it will be mounted at /. If this is a dictionary, each key is a mount point and each value is a file or directory to be served at that mount point.

debug: bool = False

Whether to enable debug mode.


from shiny import  App, Inputs, Outputs, Session, ui

app_ui = ui.page_fluid("Hello Shiny!")

def server(input: Inputs, output: Outputs, session: Session):

app = App(app_ui, server)


Name Description
lib_prefix str(object=’’) -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
sanitize_error_msg str(object=’’) -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
sanitize_errors bool(x) -> bool


Name Description
call_pyodide Communicate with pyodide.
on_shutdown Register a callback to be called when the app is shutting down. This can be useful for cleaning up app-wide resources, like connection pools, temporary directories, worker threads/processes, etc.
run Run the app.
stop Stop the app (i.e., close all sessions).


App.call_pyodide(scope, receive, send)

Communicate with pyodide.


This method is not intended for public usage. It’s exported for use by shinylive.



Register a callback to be called when the app is shutting down. This can be useful for cleaning up app-wide resources, like connection pools, temporary directories, worker threads/processes, etc.


callback: Callable[[], None]

The callback to call. It should take no arguments, and any return value will be ignored. Try not to raise an exception in the callback, as exceptions during cleanup can hide the original exception that caused the app to shut down.


Type Description
Callable[[], None] The callback, to allow this method to be used as a decorator.


Run the app.


**kwargs: object = {}

Keyword arguments passed to run_app.



Stop the app (i.e., close all sessions).

See Also