
run_app(app='app:app', host='', port=8000, *, autoreload_port=0, reload=False, reload_dirs=None, reload_includes=RELOAD_INCLUDES_DEFAULT, reload_excludes=RELOAD_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT, ws_max_size=16777216, log_level=None, app_dir='.', factory=False, launch_browser=False, dev_mode=True, **kwargs)

Starts a Shiny app. Press Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Break on Windows) to stop the app.


app: str | shiny.App = ‘app:app’

The app to run. The default, app:app, represents the “usual” case where the application is named app inside a file within the current working directory. In other cases, the app location can be specified as a <module>:<attribute> string where the :<attribute> is only necessary if the application is named something other than app. Note that <module> can be a relative path to a .py file or a directory (with an file inside of it); and in this case, the relative path is resolved relative to the app_dir directory.

host: str = ‘’

The address that the app should listen on.

port: int = 8000

The port that the app should listen on. Set to 0 to use a random port.

autoreload_port: int = 0

The port that should be used for an additional websocket that is used to support hot-reload. Set to 0 to use a random port.

reload: bool = False

Enable auto-reload.

reload_dirs: Optional[list[str]] = None

A list of directories (in addition to the app directory) to watch for changes that will trigger an app reload.

reload_includes: list[str] | tuple[str, …] = RELOAD_INCLUDES_DEFAULT

List or tuple of file globs to indicate which files should be monitored for changes. Can be combined with reload_excludes.

reload_excludes: list[str] | tuple[str, …] = RELOAD_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT

List or tuple of file globs to indicate which files should be excluded from reload monitoring. Can be combined with reload_includes

ws_max_size: int = 16777216

WebSocket max size message in bytes.

log_level: Optional[str] = None

Log level.

app_dir: Optional[str] = ‘.’

The directory to look for app under (by adding this to the PYTHONPATH).

factory: bool = False

Treat app as an application factory, i.e. a () -> callable.

launch_browser: bool = False

Launch app browser after app starts, using the Python webbrowser module.

**kwargs: object = {}

Additional keyword arguments which are passed to For more information see Uvicorn documentation.


The shiny run command-line interface (which comes installed with Shiny) provides the same functionality as shiny.run_app().


from shiny import run_app

# Run ``app`` inside ``./``

# Run ``app`` inside ``./`` (or ``./myapp/``)

# Run ``my_app`` inside ``./`` (or ``./myapp/``)

# Run ``my_app`` inside ``../`` (or ``../myapp/``)
run_app("myapp:my_app", app_dir="..")