
ui.chat_ui(id, *, placeholder='Enter a message...', width='min(680px, 100%)', height='auto', fill=True, **kwargs)

UI container for a chat component (Shiny Core).

This function is for locating a Chat instance in a Shiny Core app. If you are using Shiny Express, use the ui method instead.


id: str

A unique identifier for the chat UI.

placeholder: str = ‘Enter a message…’

Placeholder text for the chat input.

width: CssUnit = ‘min(680px, 100%)’

The width of the chat container.

height: CssUnit = ‘auto’

The height of the chat container.

fill: bool = True

Whether the chat should vertically take available space inside a fillable container.

kwargs: TagAttrValue = {}

Additional attributes for the chat container element.


#| standalone: true
#| components: [editor, viewer]
#| layout: vertical
#| viewerHeight: 400

## file: app.py
from shiny import App, ui

app_ui = ui.page_fillable(
    ui.panel_title("Hello Shiny Chat"),

# Create a welcome message
welcome = ui.markdown(
    Hi! This is a simple Shiny `Chat` UI. Enter a message below and I will
    simply repeat it back to you. For more examples, see this
    [folder of examples](https://github.com/posit-dev/py-shiny/tree/main/examples/chat).

def server(input, output, session):
    chat = ui.Chat(id="chat", messages=[welcome])

    # Define a callback to run when the user submits a message
    async def _():
        # Get the user's input
        user = chat.user_input()
        # Append a response to the chat
        await chat.append_message(f"You said: {user}")

app = App(app_ui, server)