htmltools methods


HTMLDependency(self, name, version, *, source=None, script=None, stylesheet=None, all_files=False, meta=None, head=None)

Define an HTML dependency.

Define an HTML dependency (i.e. CSS and/or JavaScript bundled in a directory). HTML dependencies make it possible to use libraries like jQuery, Bootstrap, and d3 in a more composable and portable way than simply using script, link, and style tags.


name: str

Library name.

version: str | Version

Library version.

source: Optional[HTMLDependencySource | HTMLDependencyUrl] = None

A specification for the location of dependency files.

script: Optional[ScriptItem | list[ScriptItem]] = None

<script> tags to include in the document’s <head>. Each tag definition should include at least the src attribute (which should be file path relative to the source file location).

stylesheet: Optional[StylesheetItem | list[StylesheetItem]] = None

<link> tags to include in the document’s <head>. Each tag definition should include at least the href attribute (which should be file path relative to the source file location).

all_files: bool = False

Whether all files under the source directory are dependency files. If False, only the files specified in script and stylesheet are treated as dependency files.

meta: Optional[MetaItem | list[MetaItem]] = None

<meta> tags to include in the document’s <head>.

head: TagChild = None

Tags to include in the document’s <head>.


>>> dep = HTMLDependency(
            "package": "mypackage",
            "subdir": "lib/",
        script={"src": "foo.js"},
        stylesheet={"href": "css/foo.css"},
>>> x = div("Hello", dep)
>>> x.render()


Name Description
as_dict Returns a dict of the dependency’s attributes.
as_html_tags Render the dependency as a TagList().
copy_to Copy the dependency’s files to the given path.
source_path_map Returns a dict of the absolute ‘source’ filepath and the ‘href’ path it will point to in the HTML (given the lib_prefix).


HTMLDependency.as_dict(lib_prefix='lib', include_version=True)

Returns a dict of the dependency's attributes.


HTMLDependency.as_html_tags(lib_prefix='lib', include_version=True)

Render the dependency as a TagList().


HTMLDependency.copy_to(path, include_version=True)

Copy the dependency's files to the given path.


HTMLDependency.source_path_map(lib_prefix='lib', include_version=True)

Returns a dict of the absolute 'source' filepath and the 'href' path it will point to in the HTML (given the lib_prefix).


css(collapse_='', **kwargs)

CSS string helper

Convenience function for building CSS style declarations (i.e. the string that goes
into a style attribute, or the parts that go inside curly braces in a full


    String to use to collapse properties into a single string; likely ``""`` (the
    default) for style attributes, and either ``"

“orNone`` for style blocks. **kwargs Named style properties, where the name is the property name and the argument is the property value.


    A string of CSS style declarations, or ``None`` if no properties were given.


>>> from htmltools import css
>>> css(font_size = "12px", backgroundColor = "red")


CSS uses '-' (minus) as a separator character in property names, which isn't allowed
in Python's keyword arguments. This function allows you to use '_' (underscore) as a
separator and/or camelCase notation instead.