
express.render.data_frame(self, fn)

Decorator for a function that returns a pandas or polars DataFrame object to render as an interactive table or grid. Features fast virtualized scrolling, sorting, filtering, and row selection (single or multiple).


Type Description
A decorator for a function that returns any of the following: 1. A DataGrid or DataTable object, which can be used to customize the appearance and behavior of the data frame output. 2. A pandas DataFrame object or a polars DataFrame object. This object will be internally upgraded to

Row Selection

When using the row selection feature, you can access the selected rows by using the <data_frame_renderer>.cell_selection() method, where <data_frame_renderer> is the @render.data_frame function name that corresponds with the id= used in outout_data_frame. Internally, <data_frame_renderer>.cell_selection() retrieves the selected cell information from session’s input.<data_frame_renderer>_cell_selection() value and upgrades it for consistent subsetting.

For example, to filter your pandas data frame (df) down to the selected rows you can use:

  • df.iloc[list(input.<data_frame_renderer>_cell_selection()["rows"])]
  • df.iloc[list(<data_frame_renderer>.cell_selection()["rows"])]
  • <data_frame_renderer>.data_view(selected=True)

The last method (.data_view(selected=True)) will also apply any sorting, filtering, or edits that has been applied by the user.

Editing Cells

When a returned DataTable or DataGrid object has editable=True, app users will be able to edit the cells in the table. After a cell has been edited, the edited value will be sent to the server for processing. The handling methods are set via @<data_frame_renderer>.set_patch_fn or @<data_frame_renderer>.set_patches_fn decorators. By default, both decorators will return a string value.

To access the data viewed by the user, use <data_frame_renderer>.data_view(). This method will sort, filter, and apply any patches to the data frame as viewed by the user within the browser. This is a shallow copy of the original data frame. It is possible that alterations to data_view could alter the original data data frame.

To access the original data, use <data_frame_renderer>.data(). This is a quick reference to the original pandas or polars data frame that was returned from the app’s render function. If it is mutated in place, it will modify the original data.

Note… if the data frame renderer is re-rendered due to reactivity, then the user’s edits, sorting, and filtering will be lost. We hope to improve upon this in the future.


This decorator should be applied before the @output decorator (if that decorator is used). Also, the name of the decorated function (or @output(id=...)) should match the id of a output_data_frame container (see output_data_frame for example usage).

See Also

  • output_data_frame
  • DataGrid and DataTable are the objects you can return from the rendering function to specify options.


#| standalone: true
#| components: [editor, viewer]
#| layout: vertical
#| viewerHeight: 400

## file:
import pandas  # noqa: F401 (this line needed for Shinylive to load
import as px
from shinywidgets import render_widget

from shiny import reactive, req
from import render, ui

# Load the Gapminder dataset
df =

# Prepare a summary DataFrame
summary_df = (
            "pop": ["min", "max", "mean"],
            "lifeExp": ["min", "max", "mean"],
            "gdpPercap": ["min", "max", "mean"],

summary_df.columns = ["_".join(col).strip() for col in summary_df.columns.values]
summary_df.rename(columns={"country_": "country"}, inplace=True)

# Set up the UI


    "**Instructions**: Select one or more countries in the table below to see more information."

with ui.layout_columns(col_widths=[12, 6, 6]):
    with ui.card(height="400px"):

        def summary_data():
            return render.DataGrid(summary_df.round(2), selection_mode="rows")

    with ui.card(height="400px"):

        def country_detail_pop():
            return px.line(
                title="Population Over Time",

    with ui.card(height="400px"):

        def country_detail_percap():
            return px.line(
                title="GDP per Capita Over Time",

def filtered_df():
    data_selected = summary_data.data_view(selected=True)
    req(not data_selected.empty)
    countries = data_selected["country"]

    # Filter data for selected countries
    return df[df["country"].isin(countries)]


Name Description
cell_patches Reactive value of the data frame’s edits provided by the user.
cell_selection Reactive value of selected cell information.
data Reactive value of the data frame’s output data.
data_view_rows Reactive value of the data frame’s user view row numbers.
filter Reactive value of the data frame’s column filters.
selection_modes Reactive value of the data frame’s possible selection modes.
sort Reactive value of the data frame’s column sorting information.


Name Description
data_view Reactive function that retrieves the data how it is viewed within the browser.
input_cell_selection [Deprecated] Reactive value of selected cell information.
set_patch_fn Decorator to set the function that updates a single cell in the data frame.
set_patches_fn Decorator to set the function that updates a batch of cells in the data frame.
update_cell_selection Update the cell selection in the data frame.
update_filter Update the column filtering in the data frame.
update_sort Update the column sorting in the data frame.



Reactive function that retrieves the data how it is viewed within the browser.

This function will sort, filter, and apply any patches to the data frame as viewed by the user within the browser.

This is a shallow copy of the original data frame. It is possible that alterations to data_view could alter the original data data frame. Please be cautious when using this value directly.


selected: bool = False

If True, subset the viewed data to the selected area. Defaults to False.


Type Description
DataFrameLikeT A view of the data frame as seen in the browser. Even if the rendered data value was not of type pd.DataFrame or pl.DataFrame, this method currently returns the converted pd.DataFrame.

See Also

  • [pandas.DataFrame.copy API documentation]h(ttps://


#| standalone: true
#| components: [editor, viewer]
#| layout: vertical
#| viewerHeight: 400

## file:
from shared import mtcars

from shiny import reactive
from import render, ui

df = reactive.value(mtcars.iloc[:, range(4)])

with ui.layout_columns(col_widths=[4, 4, 4]):
    with ui.card():
        with ui.card_header():
                ##### Editable data frame
                * Edit the cells!
                * Sort the columns!

            def df_original():
                return render.DataGrid(

            # Convert edited values to the correct data type
            def _(*, patch: render.CellPatch) -> render.CellValue:
                if patch["column_index"] in [0, 2]:
                    return float(patch["value"])
                return int(patch["value"])

    with ui.card():
        with ui.card_header():
                ##### Updated data from the first data frame
                * Select the rows!
                * Filter and sort the columns!

            def df_edited():
                return render.DataGrid(

    with ui.card():
        with ui.card_header():
                ##### Selected data from the second data frame
                * Sort the columns!

            def df_selected():
                return render.DataGrid(



[Deprecated] Reactive value of selected cell information.

Please use's .cell_selection() method instead.



Decorator to set the function that updates a single cell in the data frame.

The default patch function returns the value as is.


fn: PatchFn | PatchFnSync

A function that accepts a kwarg patch and returns the processed patch.value for the cell.


#| standalone: true
#| components: [editor, viewer]
#| layout: vertical
#| viewerHeight: 400

## file:
from shared import mtcars

from shiny import reactive
from import render, ui

df = reactive.value(mtcars.iloc[:, range(4)])

with ui.layout_columns(col_widths=[4, 4, 4]):
    with ui.card():
        with ui.card_header():
                ##### Editable data frame
                * Edit the cells!
                * Sort the columns!

            def df_original():
                return render.DataGrid(

            # Convert edited values to the correct data type
            def _(*, patch: render.CellPatch) -> render.CellValue:
                if patch["column_index"] in [0, 2]:
                    return float(patch["value"])
                return int(patch["value"])

    with ui.card():
        with ui.card_header():
                ##### Updated data from the first data frame
                * Select the rows!
                * Filter and sort the columns!

            def df_edited():
                return render.DataGrid(

    with ui.card():
        with ui.card_header():
                ##### Selected data from the second data frame
                * Sort the columns!

            def df_selected():
                return render.DataGrid(



Decorator to set the function that updates a batch of cells in the data frame.

The default patches function calls the async ._patch_fn() on each input patch and returns the updated patch values.

There are no checks made on the quantity of patches returned. The user can return more, less, or the same number of patches as the input patches. This allows for the app author to own more control over which columns are updated and how they are updated.


fn: PatchesFn | PatchesFnSync

A function that accepts a kwarg patches and returns a list of (possibly updated) patches to apply to the data frame.


#| standalone: true
#| components: [editor, viewer]
#| layout: vertical
#| viewerHeight: 400

## file:
from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

from shiny import reactive
from import render, ui

here = Path(__file__).parent
mtcars_df = reactive.value(pd.read_csv(here / "mtcars.csv").iloc[:, range(4)])

# A copy of the data frame that will store all the edits
edited_df = reactive.value(None)

# Copy mtcars_df to edited_df when mtcars_df changes and on initial load
def _sync_mtcars_to_edited_df():

    #### Instructions:
    * Run the app locally so that the edits to the underlying CSV file will persist.
    * Edit the cells in the table.

    #### Note:
    The data frame will not be re-rendered as the result of `df()` has not updated.

    Once the `df()` is invalidated, all local edits are forgotten, and the data frame will be re-rendered. However, since the edits were saved to the CSV file, the edits will persist between refreshes (when run locally).

with ui.card():

    def my_data_frame():
        return render.DataGrid(

    # Save the edited values to the data source (ex: the CSV file)
    def _(*, patches: list[render.CellPatch]) -> list[render.CellPatch]:
        for patch in patches:
            if patch["column_index"] in [0, 2]:
                patch["value"] = float(patch["value"])
                patch["value"] = int(patch["value"])

        # "Save to the database" by writing the edited data to a CSV file
        df = edited_df().copy()
        for patch in patches:
            df.iloc[patch["row_index"], patch["column_index"]] = patch["value"]
        df.to_csv(here / "mtcars.csv", index=False)
        print("Saved the edited data to './mtcars.csv'")

        return patches



Update the cell selection in the data frame.

Currently only single ("type": "row") or multiple ("type": "rows") row selection is supported.

If the current data frame selection mode is "none" and a non-none selection is provided, a warning will be raised and no rows will be selected. If cells are supposes to be selected, the selection mode returned from the render function must (currently) be set to "row" or "rows".


selection: CellSelection | Literal[‘all’] | None | BrowserCellSelection

The cell selection to apply to the data frame. This can be a CellSelection object, "all" to select all cells (if possible), or None to clear the selection.



Update the column filtering in the data frame.


filter: ListOrTuple[ColumnFilter] | None

A list of column filtering information. If None, filtering will be removed.


#| standalone: true
#| components: [editor, viewer]
#| layout: vertical
#| viewerHeight: 400

## file:
from shared import mtcars

from shiny import reactive
from import input, render, ui

data = reactive.value(mtcars.iloc[:, range(4)])
with ui.card():
    with ui.layout_column_wrap(fill=False):
        ui.input_action_button("btn", "Filter on columns 0, 1, and 3")
        ui.input_action_button("reset", "Reset column filters")

    def df():
        return render.DataGrid(data(), filters=True)

async def _():
    await df.update_filter(None)

async def _():
    await df.update_filter(
            {"col": 0, "value": [19, 25]},
            {"col": 1, "value": [None, 6]},
            {"col": 3, "value": [100, None]},



Update the column sorting in the data frame.

The sort will be applied in reverse order so that the first value has the highest precedence. This mean ties will go to the second sort column (and so on).


sort: ListOrTuple[ColumnSort | int] | int | ColumnSort | None

A list of column sorting information. If None, sorting will be removed. int values will be upgraded to {"col": int, "desc": <DESC>} where <DESC> is True if the column is number like and False otherwise.


#| standalone: true
#| components: [editor, viewer]
#| layout: vertical
#| viewerHeight: 400

## file:
from shared import mtcars

from shiny import reactive
from import input, render, ui

data = reactive.value(mtcars.iloc[:, range(4)])

with ui.card():
    ui.input_action_button("btn", "Sort on columns 1↑ and 3↓")

    def df():
        return render.DataGrid(data())

async def _():
    await df.update_sort([{"col": 1, "desc": False}, {"col": 3, "desc": True}])